If you suffer from seasonal allergies like I do, then you know that there are plenty of over-the-counter medications to choose from to help relieve the symptoms.
I’ve tried ’em all (or at least most of them). You probably have too.
If you prefer to try some natural allergy remedies for a change, here are some of the best ones to start with…
Holistic Remedies For Seasonal Allergies
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, then you’re used to all the sneezing, red & watery eyes, coughing, and congestion that comes during a certain time each year.
Most of these allergies are due to outdoor allergens such as pollen and leaf molds.
Pharmacies are full of medications you can take to alleviate your symptoms, but many drugs aren’t completely effective and wear off before more should be taken.
Natural allergy remedies may cut down on the amount of medication you need — or cut it out entirely.
Here are 6 holistic remedies for seasonal allergies:
#1 – Try Herbal Supplements
Some herbal supplements act as natural antihistamines, providing a gentle alternative to harsher medications that sometimes have uncomfortable side effects.
A few of the best herbal supplements are: stinging nettle, green tea, butterbur, licorice, yarrow, red clover, milk thistle, dong quai, and ginko.
#2 – Use Nasal Rinses
Devices such as neti pots and nasal lavages use a saline (salt and water) solution to physically rinse away allergens and hydrate nasal passages.
This can provide relief from dry, inflamed tissue as well as rinse out the triggers for inflammation.
#3 – Take Steam Baths
If you suffer from allergies you most likely have swollen, dry, and inflamed nasal passages and sinuses. A steam bath helps hydrate these tissues and relieve some discomfort.
If possible, add eucalyptus oil drops in your steam bath for a measure of cleansing and to help open nasal passages and blocked sinuses.
#4 – Avoid the Outdoors & Remove Common Allergens
The best way to avoid allergies is not to come in contact with the substance that causes those allergies in the first place. You should try to avoid going outdoors during allergy season.
Obviously, this isn’t always an option. If going outdoors is unavoidable, removing the allergens from your home is the next best thing. For example, pollen and other allergens can cling to hair and skin — so you should shower after being outside.
#5 – Eat Allergy-fighting Foods
Many foods have substances such as bioflavonoids — which act as antihistamines and antioxidants, and provide natural allergy relief.
Foods that are naturally high in bioflavonoids include citrus fruits, onions, apples, dark green, leafy vegetables, broccoli, red grapes, beets, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Hot and spicy foods can also help clear your nasal passages.
Along with allergy-fighting foods, it’s important that you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body flush out the foreign material.
#6 – Try Acupuncture
This ancient Chinese tradition has been well documented to help decrease the symptoms of allergies.
Chinese practitioners state that acupuncture releases blockages in the body’s energy flow while Western practitioners believe this therapy stimulates nerves and tissues in the area, enhancing the body’s self-healing properties.
#7 – Eat Raw Honey
The positive effects of honey on allergies have been identified as an effective substitute for expensive and potentially dangerous allergy shots.
If you eat the sweet treat that is made by bees in your local area, the honey will often act as an immune booster — reducing your allergy symptoms to local flowering plants.
It’s a good idea to take 2-3 spoonfuls of honey each day for several months prior to pollen season.
#8 – Drink Peppermint Tea
Hot tea provides relief from a clogged-up nose and irritated mucous membranes. One of the best for allergies is peppermint tea.
Peppermint’s benefits extend well beyond its delicious smell. The essential oil acts as a decongestant, and substances in peppermint contain anti-inflammatory and mild antibacterial constituents.
#9 – Bathe Your Pets
Since it’s next to impossible to keep your dog inside all of the time (right???), remember that pollen and other allergens cling to hair and skin. The same is true for your four-legged family members.
Fortunately, these allergens dissolve in water — so a warm bath can rinse away the problem.
If you’re a cat owner and can’t imagine bathing your beloved feline… some cats enjoy baths!
#10 – Dehumidify Your House
Dust mites love a humid environment — which allows them to reproduce like crazy. So you should try to dehumidify your house naturally.
You might also want to invest in a dehumidifier (or use an air conditioner, which works equally well). A dehumidifier can also help prevent mold and other allergens from growing inside your home.
When cooking or showering, take advantage of the exhaust fan. That’s another way to keep humidity to a minimum inside your home.
Allergies are never fun — no matter the season or the extent of your symptoms. Natural allergy remedies of herbal supplements, nasal rinses, steam baths, allergy-fighting foods, and acupuncture can help you through this allergy season.
More About Natural Allergy Remedies
- How Probiotics Help Relieve Seasonal Allergies
- Why Local Honey Is Important For Fighting Allergies
- How To Correctly Use A Neti Pot To Relieve Sinus Pressure
- Dogs Suffer From Allergies Too… Helpful Tips
- Natural Remedies For Children With Seasonal Allergies