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If you've ever suffered from clogged ears, you know uncomfortable it can be. Here's how to clear a clogged ear naturally yourself without going to a doctor.

Trouble sleeping? See how I've learned to fall asleep fast, despite having insomnia for years. Treating insomnia yourself is easy - once you see what causes insomnia!

See which ailments acupuncture benefits the best. A list of health issues that respond to acupuncture treatment, disadvantages of acupuncture therapy, and how pet acupuncture works.

Do you know the symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bee sting, wasp sting, or insect bite? You should always keep Benadryl on hand - it could be a lifesaver for your child or your pet!

Michael Phelps, Justin Bieber & Jennifer Aniston do it - do you? Cupping therapy is a form of acupuncture. I've got some tips to see if it's right for you.

Tired of allergies and OTC medications? Incorporate these natural allergy remedies into your life - from neti pots to steam baths. You'll finally get relief

Avoid Pollen

I have a pollen allergy. If you do too, then you'll appreciate these 5 simple things you can do to avoid pollen - inside and outside of your home.

Got a cold during the holidays? It may be Christmas tree allergies! What you need to know about tree mold BEFORE you bring a Christmas tree into your home.

indoor allergens

You'll be shocked at all the places indoor allergens are lurking around your house. See what might be causing your allergy symptoms & how to eliminate them.

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