How To Save Money On Prescription Drugs Using The FREE GoodRX App (A Review Of My Experience)

My girlfriend didn’t know about the GoodRX app -- and she was really upset when she learned that she could’ve saved $140 on a recent prescription of Tamiflu for her daughter. So I thought there may be others who don’t know about Good RX yet either. Here's how you can get prescription discounts and start saving on your medications immediately by using the GoodRX app ('s FREE).

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Airborne Supplement As A Cold Remedy… Does It Work? Is It Safe?

Some people swear by Airborne cold remedy to help fight colds, but does it work?... Is it safe? Because of my own experiences with some of the ingredients found in Airborne cold medicine, I'm confident that it probably does, at the very least, reduce the duration of a cold. Not too fast though... because of the possibility of overdosing on certain ingredients -- such as Vitamin A, which can be fatal if too much is taken -- I think it's important to be smart about using the airborne supplement.

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This Garlic & Honey Cold Remedy Is How My Family Avoids Getting Sick, Naturally

My husband and I rarely get sick with a cold or flu anymore. We think it's because we use this garlic & honey cold remedy any time we start to feel under the weather. (And no, we do not get flu shots.) Do you know about the health benefits of garlic? Garlic is a natural antibiotic and a smart alternative that kills only the bad bacteria while preserving the good bacteria in your body! This garlic & honey cold remedy works as an immune defense home remedy that strengthens your body from within!

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