General HealthHealth & Beauty

Acupuncture Benefits: Advantages & Disadvantages Of Acupuncture Treatments For You And Your Pets

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By Aimee

Acupuncture benefits many of us who prefer a holistic approach — instead of taking medications for common ailments.

Over the years, acupuncture has been gaining recognition in the world of medicine.

acupuncture treatments are not painful as some might think

Scientific studies are now proving that this alternative health option can help with all sorts of health problems.

As the scientific evidence is mounting, doctors are beginning to take notice.

My doctor has. He now shares an office with an acupuncturist. I look forward to trying acupuncture to help with my sciatica.

Sciatica is the most common disorder seen in the acupuncture clinic. It’s a form of nerve inflammation, and getting rid of inflammation is what acupuncture does best. Source

You might be tempted to dismiss holistic health treatments. However, scientific studies show that they can really be good alternatives to traditional medications and treatments.


What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese remedy that is at least 2,500 years old.

It works by correcting the imbalances of your Qi (energy flow) at specific parts of your body close to your skin.

Wonder if acupuncture benefits are worth the discomfort?

This painless procedure is becoming even more popular all over the world.

There are a number of reasons why people are turning to acupuncturists for help with their health problems.

This video shows what an acupuncture treatment is like:

Find a certified acupuncturist near you.


Benefits Of Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture helps to reprogram your muscles to stay relaxed — it’s working to help your body heal itself.

Chinese massage (or tui na) works to foster the acupuncture by releasing any extra tension in the fascia and connective tissue around the muscles.

The technique called rolling is very important. It helps to deeply relax your muscles and improve your circulation at the same time.

Acupuncture treatment helps soldiers with chronic pain, anxiety, and PTSD

Here are some acupuncture benefits:

#1 – Chronic back pain: The Archives of Internal Medicine found that acupuncture is a good way to help relieve chronic back pain15% of people suffering from back pain saw improvement in their condition.

#2 – Indigestion: If you suffer from indigestion, the acupuncture benefits you will receive are great. Scientists have found that 75% of pregnant women saw a reduction in heartburn from acupuncture.

#3 – Migraines or headaches: Acupuncture effectively relieves tension headaches and migraines.

#4 – Immune system:  Studies have shown that acupuncture helps the brain increase the body’s level of T-cells. Acupuncture does this by provoking your body’s immune response through the use of the needles.

#5 – Drug and alcohol addiction: Several brain neurotransmitter systems such as serotonin, opioid, and amino acids including GABA have been implicated in the modulation of dopamine release by acupuncture.

#6 – Anxiety: Acupuncture benefits anxiety sufferers by affecting the part of the brain that regulates emotions — meaning it reduces your anxiety naturally.

#7 – Stress: It has been clinically proven to lower stress-related cortisol levels. Acupuncture treatments modify the autonomic nervous system to lower the release of cortisol levels during prolonged stress.

#8 – Smoking: Even smoking cessation advice centers offer this alternative treatment for those trying to give up cigarettes and other forms of nicotine addiction.

In between acupuncture treatments, patients at home can use ‘ear seeds,’ a form of acupressure. This involves placing tiny balls on the ear with adhesive tape in targeted areas. This technique allows patients to self-treat by applying pressure to points on the ear to help temper the urge to smoke. Source

#9 – Eating disorders: Acupuncture offers healthy and effective alternatives to treatment for those suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and accompanying feelings of depression and anxiety.

There are a growing number of studies that clearly suggest that acupuncture benefits people with a wide range of ailments.

Here are some tips to help you find the best acupuncturist.


Disadvantages Of Acupuncture

A few acupuncture patients report minor soreness for a period of time immediately following treatment — but it’s rarely a cause for concern.

While acupuncture can’t cure physical ailments, it does alleviate accompanying pain and other symptoms.

Acupuncture treatment helps you relax

Here are some disadvantages of acupuncture treatment:

#1 – It’s limited in what it does: There are no other proven effects caused by unblocking the Qi. If it works for you — great! (Just know you won’t be able to cure something like kidney disease with acupressure.)

#2 – It can be expensive: Fees for an initial visit range from $75 to $95 for an acupuncture session and medical consultation. Routine visits cost $50 to $70. These costs are similar to fees for massage which might be better for you.

#3 – It can have negative effects: If you have arthritis — acupuncture can be used successfully to treat it. In some cases, it could also exacerbate the problem.

#4 – It’s not regulated: Because acupuncture isn’t considered conventional medicine, its difficult to regulate and it’s less standardized across the board. You can get a very different experience, depending on where you go.This is why it can actually cause problems for arthritic patients – because the specialist may not really know what they’re doing.

If you do get acupuncture, read the reviews. Keep in mind that even if acupuncture doesn’t help you, it probably isn’t going to do you any harm!

The best alternatives to acupuncture treatment.


Acupuncture Benefits For Your Pet

The central concept behind acupuncture — for you or your pet — is the idea of balance.

Ancient Chinese medical philosophy teaches that illness is the result of an imbalance of vital energies in the body. Acupuncture restores that balance and allows the body to heal.

pet acupuncture treatment

Each pet acupuncture visit can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour — depending on the needs of the animal. The cost per session ranges from $25 to $120. On average, pets require 8 treatments.

Cats are usually less tolerant of acupuncture than dogs. If your pet resists treatment, don’t push it.

Veterinarians can also receive training in acupuncture. The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society offers an extensive certification program.

Today more than 150,000 veterinarians use acupuncture in their practices.

Here’s a great endorsement for pet acupuncture treatments.


More About Acupuncture Benefits

In addition to the links I’ve included above, this information will also be beneficial if you’re thinking about trying acupuncture treatments — for yourself or your pet: