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See which ailments acupuncture benefits the best. A list of health issues that respond to acupuncture treatment, disadvantages of acupuncture therapy, and how pet acupuncture works.

Do you have a ganglion cyst? I do. I've had one for years - it comes & goes. No treatment is necessary but here's what you should know about Ganglion cysts, optional ganglion cyst treatment, and ganglion cyst removal.

Michael Phelps, Justin Bieber & Jennifer Aniston do it - do you? Cupping therapy is a form of acupuncture. I've got some tips to see if it's right for you.

Tired of allergies and OTC medications? Incorporate these natural allergy remedies into your life - from neti pots to steam baths. You'll finally get relief

I've dealt with it for years and I've tried many carpal tunnel syndrome treatment options. My mother recently went through the carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. Here is my personal experience and advice.