Articles Tagged:

Anxiety and Stress

Have a fear of bridges - either in a car or on foot? You may have Gephyrophobia. I had a similar fear & overcame it with these simple tips. Bridge phobia be gone!

Laughter is the best therapy - seriously. If you're looking to get a little laughter therapy in your life, you should take improv comedy classes like I did! At first I felt WAY out of my comfort zone, but the health benefits I gained and continue to enjoy are the reasons I'm glad I took an improv class! Here's what it's like.

I stuttered until I was 22 -- when I finally learned how to stop stuttering forever. Here are the simple techniques to stop stuttering that worked for me.

Can you do yoga stretches instead of exercising? Yes! A yoga teacher shares the top 5 benefits of yoga over regular exercise. Just breathe deeply & stretch fully in all yoga poses.

What do you mean there's no cure for the shingles virus? Sadly, this is true. But there are many shingles treatment options & home remedies for shingles to make the pain more bearable.

Like I was, you may be unfamiliar with the causes of PTSD and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. Many people suffer in silence. You don't have to anymore.

Thinking of giving up sugar? Desserts and drinks aren't the only way sugar gets in your body. Hidden sugar in the foods you buy is the real problem. Here's what you need to know... and how to give up sugar on your own!

Here's how to meditate anywhere - indoors or outdoors, alone or with others. A yoga & meditation expert shares 4 ways to meditate wherever you are!