Articles Tagged:

Sleep Issues

Dust mites are present and hiding all throughout your home. The house may look clean, but the dust mites are in the air. About 80% of the flecks you see floating in a sunbeam streaming through the window are dead skin cells... and dust mites! Here's how to avoid dust mite allergy symptoms without spending a dime.

In addition to the health benefits of a good night sleep, there are lots of other reasons that sleep is important. The hard part is trying to figure out how to get it. Here are some tips to get a good night sleep.

Bedbugs are a one-time myth has recently been proven to be a REAL threat to people everywhere -- both in hotels and at home. Here's what to look for to determine if there are bedbugs in the bed you are sleeping in, how to treat bedbug bites, and how to prevent bedbugs in your home altogether.

Energy drinks and energy shots are marketed as giving you extra energy. Some common energy drinks are: Jolt, NOS, Slam, No Name, Rockstar, SoBe, Red Bull, and Full Throttle. Some common energy shots are: Ammo, Redline Power Rush, Extreme Energy, Powershot, Fuel Cell, and Upshot.

There are literally hundreds of health-related myths and old wives tales. Fortunately, technology is catching up with most of these now, and their validity is being questioned. Here are some of the more common health myths debunked.

If you read this, you will yawn. I DARE you to try & fight the yawn!...

Do you know what your sleep position says about you? Here's a funny, yet practical look at how the way you sleep helps or hurts your relationship and what it reveals about your personality.

What to do when you sleep with someone who snores?... Invest in a good set of earplugs!