Articles for tag: Aging, Medications, Travel Tips, Videos, Vitamins And Supplements

Looking For A Pill Organizer & Reminder System? All The Best Pill Organizers ~ From Simple To Unbelievable!

To avoid accidental overdose or taking the wrong pills, you should really use a pill organizer. It's the best way to keep track of pills, doses, and schedules, and now they even come with hi-tech reminder systems! Using a pill box organizer is helpful for elderly caretakers and anyone who needs to regularly take doses of medication. Check out my favorite picks and see which ones might be right for you.

Cold-Eeze Lozenges Really Work!

The common cold typically lasts 6-8 days. But Cold-Eeze can cut the length of your cold in HALF! I've used it. And it really seems to work. Where most cold meds attack your symptoms, Cold-Eeze attacks the cold virus itself. There is a difference between Cold-Eeze, Zicam, and Airborne.