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It's the time of year when head lice removal tips for school kids are often needed. See why we think this vinegar lice home remedy is the best treatment for head lice.

Can you do yoga stretches instead of exercising? Yes! A yoga teacher shares the top 5 benefits of yoga over regular exercise. Just breathe deeply & stretch fully in all yoga poses.

What do you mean there's no cure for the shingles virus? Sadly, this is true. But there are many shingles treatment options & home remedies for shingles to make the pain more bearable.

Like I was, you may be unfamiliar with the causes of PTSD and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. Many people suffer in silence. You don't have to anymore.

Here's how to meditate anywhere - indoors or outdoors, alone or with others. A yoga & meditation expert shares 4 ways to meditate wherever you are!

Trouble sleeping? See how I've learned to fall asleep fast, despite having insomnia for years. Treating insomnia yourself is easy - once you see what causes insomnia!

Need to change up your gym routine? Outside workouts can enhance your fitness goals - because you can take advantage of outdoor fitness opportunities virtually anywhere! Spice up your workouts with these outdoor gym ideas on the beach, at the park, in the water, on the court.

The benefits of massage are different for each of the 7 types of massage. Which one is right for you? Here's what you can expect from each style of massage.

See which ailments acupuncture benefits the best. A list of health issues that respond to acupuncture treatment, disadvantages of acupuncture therapy, and how pet acupuncture works.