Articles Tagged:

healthy foods


Little-known facts about hangovers, plus some of most popular myths about hangovers. Let's separate fact from fiction when it comes to hangover cures.

Here are the easiest ways to reduce sodium intake. photo by DaGoaty on Flickr

Salt is difficult to avoid - especially since manufacturers add it to most foods to improve the taste. Here's how to modify your eating habits just a little bit & drastically reduce your salt intake.

You can lose weight fast with these 8 simple tips. photo by Alan Cleaver

Every year millions of us try to lose weight fast, but we don't succeed because the diet plans are too hard to follow, or we lose focus. So what does work? Here's the latest scientific research

The precious nutrients from sugar cane are concentrated in blackstrap molasses. For optimal health, you should look for organic, unsulphured molasses. Here's more

Goji berries are a rising star in the health community, thanks to the healing properties of this cranberry-like fruit. See why Goji berries are so great.

So, what makes olive oils better for us than other types of oil? In my quest to understand the health benefits of olive oil, I compiled some interesting facts about olive oils.

There have been some changes recently in the way that Diabetes is diagnosed. See details here. Besides using the Glycemic Index Chart provided here to pick & choose your foods, you can also try a number of tasty Diabetic recipes. You will need some good diabetic testing supplies too.

High blood pressure is the Silent Killer that victimizes thousands every year. Your diet is often part of the problem. By eliminating excessive fat and salt and eating more fruits and vegetables you can lower your blood pressure and live a healthier life.

Mashed potatoes and baked potatoes... both are easy to make and one of them is especially good for your skin! See which one.