Articles Tagged:

Health Scares

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 50, nine years after having a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis. Here are my best tips if hysterectomy surgery is in your future.

To help other women in the same boat as me, I did a lot of research - before and after my full hysterectomy - and took lots of notes detailing exactly what my experience was like.

Need help but not sure where to turn? You're in luck! Online counseling and life coaching is available wherever you are... as long as you can get online.

Anyone can fall victim to prescription drug abuse without even realizing it... I did! I'm proof these tips will get you through prescription drug addiction.

On antibiotics or meds for blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol? Watch for medication interactions if you eat bananas, fiber, soy, dairy, greens, grapefruit

Cured Meats

If you have a pronounced risk of colon cancer like me, you might wonder if eating processed meat & cancer go hand in hand. Here's a list of meats to avoid.

CT Scans Anxiety

If you're anxious about getting a CT scan, these tips from someone who's been there with scanxiety might help. Here's how to worry less over your CT scans!

GMO foods

Find out what the common GMO ingredients are, the potential health risks, and what brands to buy - so you can avoid eating GMO food products.

obesity story

I went from 265 pounds to a lean, mean 175 without yo-yo dieting, avoidinging sugar, or getting bypass surgery. Here is my obesity story - the ups & downs,