Articles Tagged:

Energy Level


There are a lot of popular hangover myths out there. Here are solid tips for curing your hangover + Things you can do to prevent a hangover from occurring in the first place.


If you increase your daily activity, you will burn more calories. It's as simple as that. Here are the easiest ways to burn calories WITHOUT working out!


Little-known facts about hangovers, plus some of most popular myths about hangovers. Let's separate fact from fiction when it comes to hangover cures.

It's fun to think about what makes you happy, compared to what you think would make your partner happy. I found some of the 'men' ones interesting...

Energy drinks and energy shots are marketed as giving you extra energy. Some common energy drinks are: Jolt, NOS, Slam, No Name, Rockstar, SoBe, Red Bull, and Full Throttle. Some common energy shots are: Ammo, Redline Power Rush, Extreme Energy, Powershot, Fuel Cell, and Upshot.

There's a whole new way to get your work done AND exercise at the same time! It's called the treadmill desk! Here are the pros and cons of using a treadmill desk at work.

Why not take a few moments to evaluate your hopes & dreams? You can use this as a guide to help you achieve only those things that are truly important in life...

Sometimes we feel older than we are. Sometimes there are pre-existing health circumstances that play a role in when, why, and how we will die. Check out the good news & bad news... here.

Do you feel like you're running in circles? Spinning your wheels? Unable to focus? Overwhelmed? Got a 'To Do' list longer than your grocery list? Doing a lot of different things, but not getting anything 'done'? It's all about living your life so you'll have no regrets...

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