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What’s Your Sleep Position? Better Yet… What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

Have you ever wondered what your sleeping positions say about you?

best way to sleep and what your sleep position says about you

I have.

In fact, I’ve always heard that your sleep position reveals some interesting things about your personality, and I’ve always wanted to see how true that was. I mean, maybe I’m just not sleeping in the right position!

Anyway, here’s what I’ve learned…


Sleep Positions Say A Lot

There are 39 different sleep positions and they each serve a valuable purpose.

sleeping positions say a lot about a person, what does yours say about you?

For example, there are very specific positions that you should sleep in if you are a snorer, a person with intestinal issues, or if you’ll be sleeping in a tent!

And while stomach sleepers, back sleepers, and side sleepers share some unique characteristics in and of themselves, the fact of the matter is… there’s much more to your sleep position than whether you sleep on your stomach, your back, or your side.


What Are The 39 Sleep Positions?

secret-language-of-sleep talks about what your sleep positions meanThanks to Sarah from Anon Y. Mass, I’ve discovered a cool new book called The Secret Language Of Sleep: A Couple’s Guide To The 39 Positions by Evany Thomas.

Each pose (there are 39 in all) is deciphered using an easy-to-identify illustration, an overview of the sleepers’ traits and tendencies, along with tips about which stretches and diets to try to enhance the effectiveness of the pose.

 See what your sleep position is and what it says about you here.


Sleep Positions Explained In The Book

The 'Springloader' sleep position, from the book The Secret Language of Sleep.'

A legend of handy icons points the way to the poses that are most therapeutic for specific kinds of sleepers, including: snorers, outdoorsmen, couples suffering from intestinal ailments, and anyone confined to a twin-sized bed or tent. Source

Cool… I like the practical application!


What Do Other People Think Of this Book?

The Secret Language of Sleep has gotten excellent reviews from actual consumers, as well as the press, and it has received a good deal of national media attention as well!

And I just have to share this witty review of the book The Secret Language Of Sleep: A Couple’s Guide To The 39 Positions that I found on Amazon, posted by S. Anacker:

Every possible couple sleep position is covered in wonderfully designed detail (except for the taboo and sometimes painful Tongue-in-Cheek position, which is illegal in 45 states, anyway)… Well-written and beautifully illustrated, this handy guide should be on every couple”s bed side table (note: one for each side table for Cliffhanger couples)… I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend it to any of my friends who sleep or are considering sleeping in the future.

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