General HealthHealth & Beauty

Book For Germ Freaks Looking For Tips To Prevent Colds & Flu

allison-janse-germ-freak-book.jpg Are you a germ freak?

I’m not really, but I will admit to being more aware of germs these days.

While updating some of the links in a post I wrote about my own germy quirks, I noticed that one of the best books on the subject (The Germ Freak’s Guide To Outwitting Colds And Flu: Guerrilla Tactics To Keep Yourself Healthy At Home, At Work, And In The World by Allison Janse) is now available for just $4 (including shipping) from a number of online retailers!

That’s a really great deal. Especially since it’s only $.01 for the book itself and $3.99 for the shipping. Keep in mind, these are used books — but who cares for that price?

My advice would simply be to choose the retailer with the highest satisfaction score. I’ve scored some really great deals this way in the past!