Here are some tips for staying germ-free at home, at work, and when you travel.
Many of them I either use myself, or I plan to start using real soon.
When Shopping…
Use the sanitizing wipes that many supermarkets place near their shopping carts to wipe down the handle of your grocery cart.
Bonus Tip #1: I always grab one on the way out of the store too. That way, I have clean hands after handling all the items in the store.Bonus Tip #2: When you’re done cleaning your hands, use it to wipe the dashboard of your car, or the grimy cup holders, or the space in between the seats!- In The Kitchen…
Sterilize your kitchen sink sponge by tossing it in the microwave! (A dry sponge can be sterilized in the microwave in 30 seconds, a wet sponge in 1 minute.) Here’s why cleaning a dirty sponge in the dishwasher isn’t enough. - At The Gym…
Use a liquid hand sanitizer to kill germs as you move from one piece of workout equipment to the next, and lay towels over equipment before using it. - In Hotels…
Upon entering a hotel room, consider removing the bedspread, wiping down the remote control, and requesting fresh pillows. Oh, and never go barefoot in the hotel! - On Airplanes…
On-board pillows and blankets are, arguably, sources of bacteria that could be passed from passenger to passenger, however, there’s no denying the fact that the water on planes may not be clean enough to even wash your hands with! - In the Doctor’s Office/Pharmacy…
Don’t touch anything! Not even the magazines which are handled by sick people. And, since most children put things in their mouths, your kids shouldn’t be allowed to play with the toys found at the doctor’s office either. - When Washing Hands…
Make sure your soap really lathers up when washing your hands, and be sure to clean between fingers, under rings and fingernails. To make sure you wash long enough to kill the germs, sing the Happy Birthday song to yourself. When the song’s over, you’re done.
I’ve said it before: Antibacterial soaps are unnecessary and cause far more harm than good! (Source: Dr. Joseph Mercola)
What I Learned Today…
The germs reported in the studies above are not anything new.
We have, in fact, been living and functioning quite well in the presence of germs in each of the above locations for years now.
The only thing new is the mass hysteria and hype that germs are receiving in the press these days.
It all seems to have started right about the time those anti-bacterial products hit the market… right?
More About Germs And Bacteria
- Top 9 Jobs Where Bacteria Thrive
- More About Shopping Cart Germs (…plus video)
- Protecting Your Family From Germs
- Germs And Your Newborn – What You Need To Know
- American’s Dirty Secrets Revealed
- Germophobes: What’s Icky & What’s OK?
- Hand-Drying Techniques Don’t Affect Bacteria Control
- 12 Germ & Bacteria Hot Spots
- News Flash: Toilet Seats Aren’t That Dirty!
- Video: Germs In Hotels
- How Paranoid Are You About Germs?
- Turn Your Head To The Right And Cough!