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Travel Tips

Have a fear of bridges - either in a car or on foot? You may have Gephyrophobia. I had a similar fear & overcame it with these simple tips. Bridge phobia be gone!

Yoga in bed?! ...Why not? It’s no secret that regular exercise is an important part of a happy and healthy life. And if you relax while exercising, that’s even better for your well-being! Yoga gives you the best of both worlds. See how to do yoga in bed... 5 easy yoga exercises to do in your bed at home or in a hotel when you travel.

Need to change up your gym routine? Outside workouts can enhance your fitness goals - because you can take advantage of outdoor fitness opportunities virtually anywhere! Spice up your workouts with these outdoor gym ideas on the beach, at the park, in the water, on the court.

If you go through the drive-thru as much as I do, you'll appreciate these 7 healthy fast food options. A list of the healthiest menu items at restaurants.

It takes me 1 hour to drive to work. This long, daily drive has inspired me to find ways to relieve stress while commuting. Here are 5 techniques that have helped me reduce stress during my commute.

Be sure to take steps ahead of time so you can prevent the motion sickness altogether. That way, you won't have to worry about getting sick during your travels. Here's a collection of the absolute best tips for combating motion sickness!

To avoid accidental overdose or taking the wrong pills, you'll need a pill organizer. It's the best way to keep track of pills, doses, and schedules, and now they even come with hi-tech reminder systems! If you or someone you know has to take pills every day, these pill organizers will keep you organized.

Here are some tips for staying germ-free at home, at work, and when you travel. Many of them I either use myself, or I plan to start using real soon...

Bedbugs are a one-time myth has recently been proven to be a REAL threat to people everywhere -- both in hotels and at home. Here's what to look for to determine if there are bedbugs in the bed you are sleeping in, how to treat bedbug bites, and how to prevent bedbugs in your home altogether.

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