Fitness & ExerciseHealth & Beauty

Fat Man Walking: One Man’s Mission To Walk Off His Weight Problem

Steve Vaught is a 39-year-old man from Youngstown, Ohio who now resides in Southern California. Well, actually for the next several months he’ll be residing in a variety of states: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.

What’s the deal?…

One man's journey to walk himself healthy.


Steve has a weight problem, and he’s set out to tackle the issue himself. His plan: To WALK from San Diego, California to New York City in 6 months!

He started April 10, 2005, and as of today, he’s in Winslow, Arizona. That means he’s only passed through one-and-a-half of the NINE states he ultimately hopes to traverse… and only 3 more months left to go.

Perhaps his goal will be readjusted. Perhaps this will become a bigger goal and lifestyle change than Steve could even have imagined… Who knows?

Stay tuned to see where Steve’s walk takes him, and where this battle to fight the bulge ends up.


View the Fat Man Walking site yourself

Fat man walking... Steve, before he started his walk across America to lose weight.For the record, Steve has a wife and kids…

and dozens of friends and supporters who are behind him all the way!


Good luck to you, Steve! No matter how long it takes you, we’re with you in spirit, and we are grateful to share your experience through the pictures you post. Keep up the good work!

…and keep chasing that proverbial “carrot”.