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Lynnette Walczak

Professionally, I pursued my Masters Degree in Family Therapy at Texas Tech -- where I obtained invaluable expertise and experience helping people with a wide variety of physical and emotional health issues. Personally, I think it's useful when people realize that they're not the only one going through a difficult time. So any time that I think my personal health experiences would be helpful to someone else going through the same thing, I will share my story here. With health issues that I've personally experienced (like Endometriosis, Lyme Disease, Hysterectomy, Skin Cancer, Ganglion Cysts, Autism, and other topics that very few people enjoy talking about) and health products that I've found beneficial (like sleep aids, essential oils, and medications)... I do my best to provide my own raw and honest firsthand experiences that I think others would appreciate hearing about and (hopefully) find helpful. I'm grateful that I have a number of friends who have also been willing to share their very personal stories here -- regarding their own physical and emotional health. When I'm not writing about health topics, you will find me sharing Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Steve Vaught has a weight problem, and he's set out to tackle the issue himself. His plan: To WALK from San Diego, California to New York City in 6 months!

The following pictures illustrate the progression of a brown recluse spider bite. Photos from days 3 through 6 are not too graphic. However, the picture showing the infection on days 9 and 10 are very graphic. Your discretion is advised if you choose to view.

I am intrigued whenever I hear another first-person story of someone's life with cancer, including their coping mechanisms, the highs and lows, the ups and downs, and the ultimate realities of struggling to survive this battle with something called 'cancer'. Most of all, I appreciate when people are able to maintain their sense of humor through it all.

Perhaps you already know about it, or (gasp!) have been doing it for years. I may just be the last to know about this healthy new way to prevent the spreading of germs from a cough...

Tricia Cunningham invented 'The Backwards Diet' -- also known as The Reverse Diet. Simply put, she reverses the order of what she eats: a heavy dinner for breakfast, regular meal for lunch, then a light breakfast for dinner.

What to do when you sleep with someone who snores?... Invest in a good set of earplugs!

Do you feel like you're running in circles? Spinning your wheels? Unable to focus? Overwhelmed? Got a 'To Do' list longer than your grocery list? Doing a lot of different things, but not getting anything 'done'? It's all about living your life so you'll have no regrets...

Here's a lengthy summary about my passionate search to educate myself about Autism.

The common cold typically lasts 6-8 days. But Cold-Eeze can cut the length of your cold in HALF! I've used it. And it really seems to work. Where most cold meds attack your symptoms, Cold-Eeze attacks the cold virus itself. There is a difference between Cold-Eeze, Zicam, and Airborne.