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I had severe endometriosis & 2 ovarian cysts removed via laparoscopic surgery. My experience with endometriosis pain + My laparoscopy endometriosis pictures.

My husband has melanoma skin cancer. Here's what we've learned firsthand about melanoma treatment + His skin cancer photos (before the melanoma diagnosis and after the biopsy).

What to expect after thyroid surgery - My thyroid surgery recovery story, my thyroid scar photos, my own tips to shorten your thyroid surgery recovery time.

Do you have a ganglion cyst? I do. I've had one for years - it comes & goes. No treatment is necessary but here's what you should know about Ganglion cysts, optional ganglion cyst treatment, and ganglion cyst removal.

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 50, nine years after having a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis. Here are my best tips if hysterectomy surgery is in your future.

To help other women in the same boat as me, I did a lot of research - before and after my full hysterectomy - and took lots of notes detailing exactly what my experience was like.

Michael Phelps, Justin Bieber & Jennifer Aniston do it - do you? Cupping therapy is a form of acupuncture. I've got some tips to see if it's right for you.

A LOT of my friends and relatives have had total knee replacement surgery. You probably have some fears about the surgery & questions about the recovery. Here's what you need to know.


Pelvic organ prolapse affects women after childbirth, hysterectomy, or menopause. The most popular treatment (transvaginal mesh) has a rocky history. What you need to know.