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Home Remedies

Following is a list of common ailments and the foods that can prevent them, if not cure them completely.

In March and April, tree pollens such as pine pollen are most prominent. Grass pollens usually have their run from May to July. Weed pollens are most prevalent in August and September. Here are the best natural home remedies for pollen allergies.

Do natural weight loss herbs like cayenne, ephedra, green tea, and hoodia actually work at helping you lose weight? Are they safe? Here's how they work, plus 2 that are safe, and 2 that are not.

Check out these 5 natural remedies for the common cold: onions, zinc, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and garlic. Here's how and why each works to prevent colds and heal your body faster after you have a cold.

I really prefer using a Neti Pot over using nasal decongestants and sprays such as Afrin. The Neti Pot helps with allergies and sinus problems, as well as cold and flu symptoms. It's all around good for you! Here's how to use a Neti Pot using salt and water... that's all you need.

Local honey (made by bees in your local area) is the key to building up antibodies in your body - to lessen the effects of allergies & hay fever. It works!

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