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I absolutely love my microwave heating pad. It works for all of my aches and pains. My favorite is the large sectioned microwave heating pack from Thermal-Aid. Here's why...

Here are some tips for staying germ-free at home, at work, and when you travel. Many of them I either use myself, or I plan to start using real soon...

Hate mosquitoes? Here are some of the best ideas for making your own all-natural mosquito repellents, plus a few organic mosquito repellents you can buy.

As much as I wish I could speak for my Autistic niece Shelby... I can't. And as much I wish I could scream and shout for all of the injustices that she and her parents have had to deal with on a daily basis... that wouldn't do any good either. So, from my faraway corner of the world, I find peace and satisfaction when I can share some of the specific things that have helped to clarify things for me a bit. Or have helped me find an even greater sense of hope for Shelby's future.

Local honey (made by bees in your local area) is the key to building up antibodies in your body - to lessen the effects of allergies & hay fever. It works!

We have a 5-year-old niece who is Autistic. With years of help from the Cleveland Clinic, she has made dramatic improvements -- and she continues to do so, on a daily basis. But I changed my way of thinking about Autism last Christmas when Jim's parents shared with everyone a photocopied list of '10 Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew'.

Antibacterial soaps are useful in hospital and school environments, however, they may do more harm than good when used in normal, healthy households.

Here's a lengthy summary about my passionate search to educate myself about Autism.