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Since overexposure to direct sunlight is the leading cause of skin cancer, using sunscreen daily is one of the biggest things you can do to prevent skin cancer throughout your lifetime. Here are the 10 most important things you need to know about sunscreen and skin cancer.

If you want healthy skin, then you'll want to add these foods to your daily diet.

Bedbugs are a one-time myth has recently been proven to be a REAL threat to people everywhere -- both in hotels and at home. Here's what to look for to determine if there are bedbugs in the bed you are sleeping in, how to treat bedbug bites, and how to prevent bedbugs in your home altogether.

Following is a list of common ailments and the foods that can prevent them, if not cure them completely.

I've been living with Lyme Disease for years. Here's how I got Lyme Disease from a tick bite & the Lyme Disease rash that followed. Plus a list of people in Nashville Tennessee with Lyme Disease, and Lyme Disease doctors in Nashville.

Fortunately, there are MANY satisfying snack and dessert options available that will satisfy your sweet tooth if you're on a low-carb diet like the Atkins Diet. Here are the best low-carb desserts and snacks.

In March and April, tree pollens such as pine pollen are most prominent. Grass pollens usually have their run from May to July. Weed pollens are most prevalent in August and September. Here are the best natural home remedies for pollen allergies.

I've found a number of neck stretches that really work for me to alleviate the tense pressure in my neck that builds up after spending time at the computer. This neck pain that usually lingers into the night. The following neck stretches are some of the same ones that the chiropractor and physical therapist recommended to me. They really work!

I had thyroid surgery to have half of it removed. I had a non-cancerous thyroid nodule that just kept getting bigger. I'm sharing how the thyroid removal surgery went tips for those who might need surgery as well.