What Is A CT Scan? Does A CAT Scan Hurt? Is It Dangerous? What’s Different About A CT Scan With Contrast?

Getting a CAT scan soon? Nervous? Don't know what to expect? I recently had my first CT scan with contrast. See what it was like, the difference between MRI and CT scan, what CT scan prep is like, and how long a CAT scan takes. I attempt to answer all your questions about CT scans -- so you'll have a better idea of what to expect when you have your first CAT scan!

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The Easiest & Best Way To Remove A Tick From Your Body Or Your Dog’s Body (…Even Very Tiny Ticks!)

Do you know the best way to remove a tick? I do. I do it all the time. I've removed DOZENS of ticks from myself, my husband, and my dogs! I'll show you -- from my own experience using tweezers and videos from others showing easy ways to remove ticks without tweezers. Do you know which ticks carry Lyme Disease? I'll tell you -- so you'll know which ones to look for where you live and exactly what they look like.

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Bacteria Alert: How To Easily Clean A Jacuzzi Bathtub Or Whirlpool Tub (Hot Tub Bath With Air Jets) With A Jetted Tub Cleaner

You know what a dirty bathtub ring looks like... Now imagine what that soap scum buildup is doing inside the jet plumbing of your Jacuzzi style bathtub! Sure, you can clean the tub itself. But once you start the air jets, all kinds of nasty looking bits and specks will come floating to the surface if you don't clean the jets, the nozzles, and the interior plumbing system too. Those pipes behind your jet tub quickly become contaminated with infectious bacteria -- some you can see, and some you can't. Fortunately, cleaning the inside of your air tub's pipes, jets, and nozzles is really easy! The hardest part is taking the time to do it on a regular basis -- to prevent biofilm (a nasty residue that forms around bacteria in your plumbing lines) from building up. Here's how to properly clean a whirlpool tub and remove biofilm yourself in just a few quick steps. See how to make your own jetted tub cleaner and where you can buy one.

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5 Ways Taking Improv Comedy Classes Helped Me With Stress, Relationships, And PTSD (Yes, Really!)

Yes, I have something in common with some very famous SNL comedians. I took an improv comedy class - just like they did at the beginning of their careers. Trust me, if I can do it so can you. Here is my personal experience taking an improv comedy class, how it taught me that laughter really is the best therapy, and some of the specific health benefits I continue to enjoy long after I graduated from my first improv class. Here's what it's like...

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