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Regina Paul

My favorite things to write about are topics that have to do with weather, pregnancy, weddings, saving money, living green, and my life with dogs. When I'm not writing, I love to spend time with my husband, read, create 3D artwork and Native American beadwork.

In March and April, tree pollens such as pine pollen are most prominent. Grass pollens usually have their run from May to July. Weed pollens are most prevalent in August and September. Here are the best natural home remedies for pollen allergies.

Here's a little about how you catch a cold vs the flu, and how long you're actually contagious...

Do natural weight loss herbs like cayenne, ephedra, green tea, and hoodia actually work at helping you lose weight? Are they safe? Here's how they work, plus 2 that are safe, and 2 that are not.

There are tons of tools online that can help you with keeping to your diet. Here are some of the best digital dieting websites that have online tools to help you get rid of those nasty extra pounds!

According to Dr. Hirsch, the Sensa Diet -- which consists of sprinkles that you put on your food to increase the sensation of the taste and smell of your food -- actually tricks your brain into thinking you are full sooner. Hence, you don't eat as much as you normally would. But does it really work?

There's a whole new way to get your work done AND exercise at the same time! It's called the treadmill desk! Here are the pros and cons of using a treadmill desk at work.

There are literally hundreds of health-related myths and old wives tales. Fortunately, technology is catching up with most of these now, and their validity is being questioned. Here are some of the more common health myths debunked.

Check out these 5 natural remedies for the common cold: onions, zinc, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and garlic. Here's how and why each works to prevent colds and heal your body faster after you have a cold.

Here's how to tell if you've been bitten by a black widow spider and how to treat the spider bite if you have. Be sure to look for the classic red hourglass shape on the spider's body.