Health & BeautyNutrition & Diet

Top 7 Digital Diet Websites: Check Out These Cool Online Dieting Tools

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By Regina

girl-on-a-diet-by-miss-rogue.jpg Dieting seems to have become something of a hobby among many Americans, myself included.

Getting rid of those extra pounds can be one of the most difficult undertakings of your life.

We live in a world where food temptations are on every corner. And with so many of us working in sedentary jobs, when you add slowing metabolisms as you age, packing on the pounds just isn’t that difficult.

Dieting doesn’t have to be that difficult though. There are tons of tools online that can help you with keeping to your diet.

Here are some of the best digital dieting websites that have online tools to help you get rid of those nasty extra pounds!


#Spark People

I was really impressed with Spark People as it seems to have everything someone who is trying to lose weight could possibly want. They have calorie counters, exercise trackers, exercise videos, personalized diet and fitness plans, and over 100,000 articles, recipes and tips for those trying to exercise and diet and get healthy. Another nice thing is that Spark People is a community where you can interact with others, and you get your own homepage and blog as well! All in all, this website is probably my favorite of all the digital dieting aids that I’ve discovered.

#2  The Calorie Counter

Personally, I’m not a big fan of counting calories. In fact, I find it rather counter productive to losing weight, not to mention how time consuming and tedious it is to count every single calorie of every piece of food you put into your mouth. That alone is enough to put me off. However, it can still be useful to occasionally track calories — especially if it’s a food that looks like it might be good, but is in fact not so good for you. If that’s the case with you, or you are different than me and find counting calories helpful and interesting, then you should check out this online calorie counter.

#3  The Daily Plate

This is one of my favorite digital dieting websites. The reason: it’s easy! The Daily Plate gives you a great way to record everything with relation to your diet. There is a calorie counter, an online food journal, and an online fitness tracker as well. Since we all know that a sound exercise program goes along with a healthy diet in order to lose weight, having all of this is one place is really helpful. Plus, they show a great way to use your plate to eat proper portions of food as well, so you don’t overeat! Oh, and they also have groups where you can chat with other dieters, make friends, and get support.

#4  Hungry Girl

I gotta admit, I had my doubts about this one — only because it is kinda glitzy on the website. However, after taking a look at the site’s content, as well as the contents of her best-selling book, I changed my mind. What I liked about Hungry Girl is that she mentions where you can sign up for daily tips — which, if you’re desperately trying to follow a healthy diet, could be a lifesaver. That is, as long as you actually use the tips. I know from personal experience that sometimes you sign up for something because you think it’s a great deal, and then you get busy and end up deleting the e-mails and eventually unsubscribing. If you are like me, then this might not be the best idea, but it still couldn’t hurt to give it shot. If nothing else, it’s a nice daily dose of cheer and encouragement.


#5  12 Weeks to Weightloss

This is another one that gets a high score from me because it makes it so easy for someone on a tight schedule. 12 Weeks to Weightloss is an e-mail program that actually sends you an e-mail each week with links to exercise and diet assignments that you can do each day. They have exercise assignments for beginners and more advanced exercisers, so there’s no need to be concerned if you’ve never even tried an exercise program before. While I’m not sure this would be my first choice if I was trying to lose weight, I can see how it would appeal to many because it takes all the guess work out of it.

#6  Free to be Thin

If you’re looking for a place that has reviews about the different diets, then this is the website for you. Confused about all the different so-called miracle diets? Want to know a lot more about a diet before you before you start it? Free to be Thin may be just what you’re looking for. Check out the reviews on different diets and exercise programs before you begin them. Thus, you will save money, particularly if you are looking into trying one of the more expensive ones!


#7  Woman Activity Tracker

This website has the coolest little tool that I ever saw. This tool takes regular activities (such as vacuuming, and cooking) and converts them into steps. What this can mean for someone trying to lose weight is this: 10,000 steps of moderate activity are recommended per day in order to stay healthy. So if you think you don’t have time to exercise, or you don’t like the idea of having to buy a pedometer, you can select your activity from the list and see how many steps it converts to. This means you can increase by adding an activity or two if you haven’t reached your 10,000 daily steps, or if you’ve exceeded it then you know you are burning calories. I really like this idea since we often don’t think that the things we do daily really burn calories. This helps us to see that even our daily activities can help! Oh,and there are other tools on this website as well — such as a place to set goals and a physical activity tracking log.