General HealthHealth & Beauty

Best Health Blogs & Twitter Accounts To Follow For A Healthier Lifestyle

health-blogs-by-thewtb.jpg Is there a specific health ailment or issue that you’re interested in researching and want to learn more about?

Have you been afflicted with a particular illness or disease, and now you want to stay on top of all the latest treatments and cures?

Or are you just trying to live a healthier lifestyle and want to stay informed about all the latest info in the health industry?

Whatever your reason for studying various health topics, the following health blogs and website portals will give you a leg up on the latest and greatest things that affect your health.

Here are the best health blogs (more than 30) and Twitter accounts to follow in order to stay up-to-date on all of the health issues that are important to you…


Best Health Blogs With Twitter Accounts


Clinical Cases & Images – critical health news, plus lots of videos and timely articles written by someone in the know:  a former Cleveland Clinic Assistant Professor of Medicine.

Twitter: @DrVes


Delicious Living (Health) – interesting tidbits about herbs & supplements, fitness, aging, and general well-being for men, women, and children.

Twitter: @DeliciousLiving Blog – all the latest in medication news — including FDA Medwatch alerts and new drug approvals. Have a question about a particular drug or prescription medication? Check here first.

Twitter: @DrugsCom


Elsevier Global Medical Network – written by EGMN staff members who cover hundreds of medical meetings, press briefings, and other happenings each year across the U.S. and around the world.  You’ll find cutting edge medical news and a unique insider’s perspective.

Twitter: @MedicalNewsNet


Fitness Magazine (Health) – a fun place to explore health conditions, women’s health issues, and ways to incorporate healthier living into your family’s lifestyle.

Twitter: @FitnessMagazine Blog – covers health from A to Z and provides a wide range of top stories that focus on healthy eating and healthy living in general.

Twitter: @GoodHealth


Kevin MD – Kevin Pho is known as social media’s leading physician voice.  He covers many subjects, ranging from health policies and politics to medical education and hospitals.

Twitter: @KevinMD


LifeScript – as the 4th largest independent health site (and 10th largest women’s online community), there’s a great community of women sharing life’s secrets about health here. Written by leading physicians, nutritionists, and health experts, there’s a good deal of variety and interesting perspectives.

Twitter: @LifeScript


Mark’s Daily Apple – helping you look good and feel great, Mark Sisson empowers people to take charge of their health. Want to cut to the chase and get fit — inside and out? Start here!

Twitter: @Mark_Sisson


Mayo Clinic – a great resource to check symptoms, treatments, and cures for various health ailments. Plus, some good tips and tools for overall healthy living. (See topic-specific blogs.)

Twitter: @MayoClinic


Medical News Today – hourly health news from a number of well-respected sources. Just about every health topic you can think of is covered here; more than 150,000 health articles!

Twitter: @MNT (Or, choose a specific topic here: MNT Twitter Health Feeds)


Mercola Natural Health – delivered in the format of a natural health newsletter, Dr. Mercola covers a number of controversial subjects and makes you think about the pros and cons of just about every health issue under the sun.

Twitter: @Mercola


Natural Health & Organic Living – written by Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center, this health blog focuses on degenerative disease products and information. It’s a refreshing & uplifting  blog filled with unique ideas you can use in your daily life.

Twitter: @GHChealth


Naturally Savvy – if you’re trying to gravitate to all-natural pro
ducts, rather than overly processed and overly packaged ones, then you’ll love this healthy living blog for the wealth of ideas that can be found there. You’ll find everything from general health & wellness to food & nutrition — and everything in between.

Twitter: @NaturallySavvy


Nutrition Expert – Mitzi Dulan is a naturally-recognized nutrition and wellness expert. (You’ve probably seen her on ABC, CBS, NBC, and elsewhere.) On her blog, she helps people attain optimal health with helpful tips and tricks that work.

Twitter: @NutritionExpert


Paging Dr. Gupta – Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN. Along with his team (including Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and the CNN Medical Unit producers), he provides a ton of interesting facts about health and medical trends.

Twitter: @drSanjayGupta


Pure Natural Diva – written by a mother who shares what works and what doesn’t when it comes to all-natural products. If you too are committed to greener living without giving up the glam (a.k.a. “whole living with style”), then you’ll love this health blog.

Twitter: @PureNaturalDiva


Skin Cancer Foundation – all the latest news and interesting dilemmas regarding sun exposure and skin cancer.

Twitter: @SkinCancerOrg


The Oz Blog

– Dr. Mehmet Oz posts frequently to this blog. He also has expert contributors who are part of his “wellness team” and provide interesting perspectives about a variety of health topics.

Twitter: @DrOz


UW Health – the University of Wisconsin provides interesting news articles and updates on a variety of health topics. These are generally research-related and filled with timely information.

Twitter: @UWHealth


Wall Street Journal (Health) – newsy coverage of all things health (and as they point out: “the business of health”). Intelligent dialogue about health issues.

Twitter: @WSJHealthBlog


Web MD – a great place to check symptoms, causes, and treatments for just about health ailment under the sun. You’ll find tools for managing your health as well as helpful online support.

Twitter: @WebMD


Yoga Health Benefits – it’s less about yoga and more about health in general. Some of the less mainstream health topics are covered here. Plus, they discuss lots of home remedies for a variety of health issues.

Twitter: @Yoga_Wiz


Yoga Tailor –  tips to incorporate yoga, meditation and pranayama into your everyday life. Their original content includes restorative yoga poses for running and workout injuries and perfect posture.

Twitter: @YogaTailor

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