Health & BeautySpecific Health Conditions

Recently Diagnosed With Diabetes?… Welcome To My World! Diabetic Testing & Healthy Eating Tips

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By Curtis

check-blood-glucose-levels-by-AlishaV.jpg The old wives tale that certain activities will cause you to go blind brings to mind the retort of “maybe I’ll just do it until I need glasses!”

Sadly, when it comes to Type II Diabetes, this is a very risky way to approach maintaining a good diet.

The complications you risk can easily be irreversible and life-threatening.


My last series of blood tests indicated that the initial signs of kidney damage are just now beginning to surface.

I can no longer approach my daily blood sugar test with the attitude of, “That’s only a little bit bad.” The risk of complications is just too high to think that trying “a little” is enough to prevent problems.

So now, I’m watching what I eat very closely.

National Diabetes statistics indicate that close to half of all new cases of kidney failure diagnosed in in one year were complications of Diabetes. That’s just one of a long list of health issues that will come to light if you fail to keep your A1C test results at or below the recommended 7%.

The Glycemic Index is one valuable tool that can assist you in your effort to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

If you have been recently diagnosed with Diabetes, now is the time to explore Diabetes information to the fullest. (You’ve probably only skimmed it up til now.)

After you’ve been diagnosed, you want to have a firm grasp on what you can eat, and what you can’t eat. Plus, you need to know how to use diabetic testing supplies properly.


How Diabetes Is Affected By What You Eat

Carbohydrates can have a dramatic affect on the stability of your blood sugar.

One more piece of pie or a couple more biscuits with gravy can send your test strip reading through the roof rather quickly!

The thing with carbohydrates is that not all carbs are created equal. Some may actually help keep your morning blood test well within acceptable limits. It all depends on where your meal ranked on the Glycemic Index.

Simple things like a slice of multi-grain bread can rank a low 48, while that fresh-baked white bread that tastes so good right out of the oven will rank a high 71. The only way to know for sure is to refer to the Glycemic Index Chart before you make your food selections.

This video provides 5 diet and nutrition tips that will get you started on the right foot:


With a little effort, you will quickly find that being Diabetic doesn’t mean you have to go hungry, or that you must eat food that isn’t very appealing.

There are lots of appealing Diabetic recipes online, as well as highly-rated Diabetic cookbooks that will provide you with plenty of variety and new taste sensations — along with many of your old favorites that have been tailored to meet the needs of the Diabetic.

One thing’s for sure. Just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t eat great food… and lots of it!

Diabetic Testing Supplies

Being Diabetic means that you have to make some serious life changes.

It forces you to become an active participant in maintaining your good health. That means a whole new world of diabetic testing supplies like blood sugar monitors, test strips, and glucose test kits.

Yes, there’s a substantial learning curve ahead, but the reward is substantial as well! Being able to live out your life in good health is an option within your reach.

By investing the time and effort to learn how your body uses the fuel you give it (and what fuel will optimize your health), you will likely be around for a good long while.

The best advice when you receive the diagnosis that you are Diabetic is to be aware and take action. Follow your doctor’s recommended schedule for testing your blood sugar. This video shows just how easy it is to test your blood sugar:


A good read: Recent Changes In The Way That Diabetes Is Diagnosed.