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Vitamins And Supplements

Some people swear by Airborne cold remedy to help fight colds. But some of the ingredients found in the Airborne supplement are risky because of the possibility of overdosing on Vitamin A, which can be fatal if too much is taken -- here's the scoop.

Get overwhelmed with butter substitutes found at the store? Here are some things I discovered about finding a healthy butter substitute that might help you.

What do you mean there's no cure for the shingles virus? Sadly, this is true. But there are many shingles treatment options & home remedies for shingles to make the pain more bearable.

Wondering about Vitamin C overdose? How much is too much Vitamin C? Here's the Vitamin C dosage info + The signs and symptoms of taking high doses of Vitamin C.

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 50, nine years after having a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis. Here are my best tips if hysterectomy surgery is in your future.

To help other women in the same boat as me, I did a lot of research - before and after my full hysterectomy - and took lots of notes detailing exactly what my experience was like.

Stop throwing away the pumpkin seeds at carving time! Eating pumpkin seeds benefits your immune system, improves your sleep, and more.

Been told to increase fiber in your diet, but not sure where to start? Start here! High fiber foods to eat + Differences between soluble & insoluble fiber.

On antibiotics or meds for blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol? Watch for medication interactions if you eat bananas, fiber, soy, dairy, greens, grapefruit

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