Articles Tagged:

Neck Pain

Many who are suffering from fatigue & muscle pain are quick to assume they've got fibromyalgia. 5 other illnesses have the same symptoms. Here's how to tell

Do you have an office job? Sit behind a computer for a living? You can avoid the most common desk job health risks with these 5 simple tips.

job fatigue

Want to reduce the aggravation of job fatigue? Here are a few tips that I use to make my day in a cubicle at work less physically burdensome.

I absolutely love my microwave heating pad. It works for all of my aches and pains. My favorite is the large sectioned microwave heating pack from Thermal-Aid. Here's why...

It's easy to make a heating pad yourself. A microwave heating pad is great when you need to apply some indirect heat for pain relief, comfort, or warmth. Here's how make it.

Topical pain relief creams and gels CAN alleviate some of your pain when applied directly to the skin right over the pulled muscle or sore joint. Here's what you need to know about the 3 types of topical pain relief products: analgesics or aspirin-like rubs, counter-irritants, and creams made from chili pepper seeds.

I've found a number of neck stretches that really work for me to alleviate the tense pressure in my neck that builds up after spending time at the computer. This neck pain that usually lingers into the night. The following neck stretches are some of the same ones that the chiropractor and physical therapist recommended to me. They really work!

Looking for neck pain treatment? You'll be thrilled to learn that neck pain relief is right at your fingertips, and it takes less than 5 minutes to do these neck stretches... that REALLY work!