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You've probably seen Randy Pausch a lot on the news lately. He's the Carnegie Mellon Professor who is dying from pancreatic cancer. What makes him -- and his message -- so memorable are the amazing details of his life -- and OUR lives in general -- that Randy shared in his 'Last Lecture' on September 18, 2007. Watch the video below...

Do you know someone who is a whiz with numbers? What about mathematical equations? Do you see numbers differently than most people? Then you've got to read this article about Daniel Tammet, who gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how an 'autistic savant' functions.

Five days ago, at the age of 28 AT lost his wife, BJ. He is now a widow and a single father of two young sons. What started as 'flu-like symptoms' on October 30, 2006 ultimately claimed BJ's life just 18 days later on November 17, 2006. I share AT's story with you, for the same reason that he says he continues to write in his blog about it... with the hope that it will help someone else.

With the recent release of the study that found 'car steering wheels carry more than twice as many germs as a toilet seat,' I feel compelled to share my thoughts about toilet seats... They're really not that dirty!

Everything you ever wanted to know about farting, passing gas, breaking wind, and letting out farts... plus some ingenious products for people with flatulence problems... and lots of down & dirty humor about passing gas.

Are you fearful of germs and bacteria? Do you take extra precautions in order to avoid the spread of germs in your own family? Here are some interesting things you can do to prevent contamination.

Looking for neck pain treatment? You'll be thrilled to learn that neck pain relief is right at your fingertips, and it takes less than 5 minutes to do these neck stretches... that REALLY work!

Here's a lengthy summary about my passionate search to educate myself about Autism.

Every time I do a bit of Yoga, I wind up a tad sore -- in a good way -- the next day. That tells me, I don't do Yoga ENOUGH, but that's beside the point. Truth is, every single time I do it, I feel SOOOOooooo completely refreshed, limber, healthy, and rejuvenated. I love Yoga.