Articles for tag: Health Scares, Heart Issues, Surgery, Videos, Xrays

What It’s Like To Have A Coronary Artery Stent Put In To Prevent Heart Problems

There are many reasons your doctor may recommend a heart stent. In my case, I had a sore jaw and I noticed that my hand was twitching and was struggling to do what I needed it to do. I had a coronary stent procedure that opened up -- and kept open -- the narrowed places in my heart artery. Here's what I've learned after having a heart stent put in a few years ago, plus what it was like to have an angiogram and angioplasty.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Wine

Studies show that drinking wine can be beneficial to your health. Experts have gone back and forth over how beneficial wine is, as too much wine of course has negative effects. In moderation however, the health benefits of drinking wine are all good. Here is a summary.