Articles Tagged:

Health Insurance

I recently had a diagnostic 3D mammogram after having a traditional mammogram. Here's what I learned about who should consider having 3D breast imaging done & what to expect.

See which ailments acupuncture benefits the best. A list of health issues that respond to acupuncture treatment, disadvantages of acupuncture therapy, and how pet acupuncture works.

Obamacare Versus Private Insurance

The decision to choose Obamacare or private health insurance is a tricky one. Which is the right health care plan for you? Some things I've learned might help you decide

Wonder if you should get the BRCA test or not? Me too! Here's what you need to know about BRCA testing - to help you decide if you should do it or not.

How to Get Obamacare

Wondering how to get Obamacare insurance... fast? Here are my own tips & tricks, as a freelancer who used the insurance marketplace for the first time.

early cancer screenings

Can early cancer screenings help save your life? Yes. If cancer runs in your family, getting screened at a young age may help you avoid getting cancer.


Ever had to consider a sin cancer treatment plan? We have. After Jim was diagnosed the next step was to decide on a surgeon to perform melanoma surgery in order to get those lymph nodes biopsied right away and determine whether cancer had spread or not.

After being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, my symptoms went away for 1 year then returned. See the meds my doctor prescribed, what my Lyme Disease treatment was like, and how my symptoms changed after starting treatment for Lyme Disease.

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