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I have been a certified tightwad since I became pregnant with my first child and decided to find a way to stay home with him. I enjoy sharing my experiences in my journey back to financial health and planning for a future -- which will include sending 2 kids to college and early retirement.

Have low blood pressure? Me too. Here are 5 things that surprised me about low blood pressure + Some very simple low blood pressure treatment ideas for you to try.

A normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. Here are little-known facts about high blood pressure or hypertension, plus some natural treatments for lowering your blood pressure.

Energy drinks and energy shots are marketed as giving you extra energy. Some common energy drinks are: Jolt, NOS, Slam, No Name, Rockstar, SoBe, Red Bull, and Full Throttle. Some common energy shots are: Ammo, Redline Power Rush, Extreme Energy, Powershot, Fuel Cell, and Upshot.

Studies show that drinking wine can be beneficial to your health. Experts have gone back and forth over how beneficial wine is, as too much wine of course has negative effects. In moderation however, the health benefits of drinking wine are all good. Here is a summary.