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The camel spider (aka wind scorpion spider, sun spider) is mostly found in the southwest US & southern Africa. Camel spider size, speed & dangers explained here.

Do you know the symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bee sting, wasp sting, or insect bite? You should always keep Benadryl on hand - it could be a lifesaver for your child or your pet!

Fortunately, there aren't that many poisonous spiders in this part of the United States. That said, the hobo spider itself is fairly common. While not fatally poisonous, you still need to watch out for them and keep from being bitten if you can! Here's what you need to know about hobo spiders.

Here's how to tell if you've been bitten by a black widow spider and how to treat the spider bite if you have. Be sure to look for the classic red hourglass shape on the spider's body.

The following pictures illustrate the progression of a brown recluse spider bite. Photos from days 3 through 6 are not too graphic. However, the picture showing the infection on days 9 and 10 are very graphic. Your discretion is advised if you choose to view.

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