Articles Tagged:

Bug Bites

Hate mosquitoes? Here are some of the best ideas for making your own all-natural mosquito repellents, plus a few organic mosquito repellents you can buy.

Bedbugs are a one-time myth has recently been proven to be a REAL threat to people everywhere -- both in hotels and at home. Here's what to look for to determine if there are bedbugs in the bed you are sleeping in, how to treat bedbug bites, and how to prevent bedbugs in your home altogether.

I've been living with Lyme Disease for years. Here's how I got Lyme Disease from a tick bite & the Lyme Disease rash that followed. Plus a list of people in Nashville Tennessee with Lyme Disease, and Lyme Disease doctors in Nashville.

Here's how to tell if you've been bitten by a black widow spider and how to treat the spider bite if you have. Be sure to look for the classic red hourglass shape on the spider's body.

After being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, my symptoms went away for 1 year then returned. See the meds my doctor prescribed, what my Lyme Disease treatment was like, and how my symptoms changed after starting treatment for Lyme Disease.

The following pictures illustrate the progression of a brown recluse spider bite. Photos from days 3 through 6 are not too graphic. However, the picture showing the infection on days 9 and 10 are very graphic. Your discretion is advised if you choose to view.

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